Liu Bei, the first emperor of Shu. This is my second Sengokuden Kit after Sun Quan. And also my second time when I learned how to colored the kit.

He is the eldest of three brothers, they swore to be brothers in Zhang Fei's backyard, which was a garden full of peach blossom. He was a general, a warlord, and later a founding emperor of Shu Han. He is widely known as the ideal benevolent, humane ruler who cared for his people and picked good advisors. He died in Baidicheng after battle of Xiaoting.

Firstly, I learned to colored without making lines. Then I realize that I also need to line it. Meanwhile, after the silver color on the both of the shoulder I put a red beside it. Maybe most of you thought that it was for modification... Not actually right, I colored it because I spoiled the silver ink on the right shoulder. When I tried to erase it, it seems getting worse... So I think I hide it with another color LOL

Short Story, manga version:
The successor of Ryuutei. A young samurai who is from the bloodline of the Ryuutei, who once ruled the whole Mirisha. He is born in Rousou Viliage(楼桑村) of Yuushuu(幽州) in northern Mirisha. He does not accept the evil, for justice he can stand against anyone without any fear, a man of men. His righteous spirit later gathered a number of warriors under his banner. A cheerful youth who is always caring to children. He looks up to his senior Kousonsan.
He met Sousou for the first time during the battle at Korou Fortress (虎牢城). Though they are working together at that time, he had a minor clash with Sousou because of their conflicting ideals.
Having Ryofu covering him from Toutaku's attack and seeing Ryofu collapse before him, Ryuubi fell into a rage and defeated Toutaku with the Tengyokugai "Souryuu". After the battle he was offered a place in Sousou's army but he refused and told Sousou that he decided to continue his travels. With the promise of meeting Sousou, Sonken and Sonshoukou again, the three sworn brothers left on their journey being sent off by the promised three.
In the Comic World version, the one who used the Tengyokugai to defeat Toutaku is Sonken.
In the Clash of the Heroes Chapter he returns home to Yuushuu, with the invasion of Enshou's army he went to Keishuu with Chouhi to find Koumei. Knowing about Sousou's Southward Campaign, Ryuubi's "justice for the people" awakens and resolves to stand against Sousou. After learning that the Keishuu Troops has form an alliance with the Sousou Troops, he went to Chousa to seek help from the Koutou Navy. In the battle of the Red Cliffs, he is cornered by Sousou's overwhelming power, he called out to Ryuutei's soul that dwells in his sword and revive as the Shouretsutei. After winning against Sousou, he went to stop the self destruction of the Shinkahihou with Sousou. Only the Ryuuteiken is left, his current whereabouts is unknown.

Weapon: Garyuutou<牙龍刀>(red), Souryuutou<爪龍刀>(blue), Ryuuteiken(龍帝剣)
Posted by WebHead2011
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